- Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:23 pm
I am in a college football team I am not going to say which one I don't want to lose my scholarship!. My question is: will I get in trouble for using Sytropin HGH spray? I want to use it to be able to recover a little faster I am having difficulties between games. Is there a blood or urine test that can show HGH in your blood or urine?
Moderator: GrahamM
- Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:22 am
I really can't give you any advice on this you should probably ask your coach if using sytropin is OK for you. HGH is getting a lot of negative coverage on the press at the moment. Keep in mind though that Sytropin does not contain HGH but rather a combination of amino acids and other precursors to the hgh molecule. The claim that sytropin makes is that it is an HGH releaser or secretagogue which helps your pituitary gland make more HGH. If you are secreting more HGH this should theoretically give you an advantage over someone that is not using it. If it is giving you an advantage over others in your sport then in my opinion it is cheating. As far as testing for HGH is concerned the tests are not very reliable and rarely give a positive but professional sport and science are working hard to find better ways to catch the cheaters. So good luck and I hope that you will make the right and ethical decision regarding the usage of or any other HGH products.