Welcome to the hgh forum human growth hormone forum, please feel free to discuss anything pertaining to HGH, Anti Aging, bodybuilding and any subject that relates to health and anti aging supplements. Keep in mind that the issue of HGH is very touchy so please nothing illegal should be discussed in this Forum. We shall not be liable for any content that is posted in the forum as this is an open Forum. Remember it is always wise to talk to your physician before doing anything that relates to your health.

Moderator: GrahamM

By admin
#68273 If you have a script you are better of going to a local Pharmacy. If you don't have insurance the best cash prices are probably at Walmart or Costco.
By Damian0000
#74623 Hi,

My name is Damian Campbell. We have an anti aging clinic in Puerto Vallarta, called HGH Vallarta. Currently you can buy HGH with us for a very good price of $7 per iu.

You are legally allowed to bring back from Mexico up to 540 ius, with a prescription as long as it is for personal use.

Best regards,

Damian Campbell
By admin
#74627 @Damian what brands does your anti aging clinic carry? To get the HGH does a patient need to see a doctor at your clinic?
By DamianCampbell
#74631 |Good afternoon,

The brands we carry are:

Xerendip is the best value when it is available.

Best regards,

Damian Campbell
By DaisyDuke
#74642 I have been using Norditropin here in the Kentucky and it is expensive. I have been paying about $1,000 a month using 2 iu's per day 6 day's per week. I am at the point where i am not comfortable paying that much :( :(

What is your price and is it worth traveling to Mexico to do it?

Thank's..... Daisy
By DamianCampbell
#74653 Hi Daisy,

You said your cost is around $1000 per month.

2 iu per day
6 days per week
48 iu per month at $8.87 per iu =
$425 USD

You will save over $574 per month if you buy Norditropin with us.

2 iu per day
6 days per week
48 iu per month at $5.50 per iu =
$264 USD

You will save over $700 per month if you buy Xerendip with us.

Damian Campbell
HGH Vallarta
1 800 252 3594