- Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:55 am
Hair loss and HGHIt is almost impossible to go through the day without seeing a beauty advertisement. They are everywhere, on billboards, on the sides of buses and especially on television. These advertisements are generally full of women or men with picture perfect smiles and a great body to go along with it.
The old saying “it's what’s on the inside that counts” thought it is a positive phrase is unfortunately not the way things are in the real world. People are constantly judged by their outwardly appearance wherever they go. Hair is a big thing that people look at. Women tend to be more attracted to men with hair when compared to balding men. Many men generally begin to lose their hair as they get older. Some men even begin to experience hair loss as young as 18 years old.
Hair Loss Process Most cases of hair loss can be attributed to androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Scientific studies have shown that AGA is caused by the male hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Testosterone is one of the primary male hormones. An enzyme known as 5-Alpha-Reductase changes the vital hormone Testosterone, which is prevalent in the male body, into Dihydrotestosterone. During the next step the DHT attaches to androgen receptors which are found in the scalp of hair. This attachment kills and attacks the hair follicles that are found near the front crown of the hair and the temple area. Any presence of DHT can cause the hair follicles to gradually get thinner and eventually fall out. The hair falls out due to the fact that the follicles die.
For most men this is a gradual process but it can start at anytime and without warning. Genetics does play a role in whether a man develops AGA. For most men if their father experienced baldness there is a good chance that they will develop that same condition. Hormones, stress and illness can also attribute to premature hair loss. Some men and women who experience hormonal imbalances can experience hair loss. High levels of stress can also cause excessive hair loss and illness such as cancer where patients receive chemotherapy can also lead to hair loss in many patients. There are some products available that can help lair loss
Fighting Hair LossThe product Profollica is one of the many hair loss products for men. It is a non prescription natural tablet that is used to stop and reverse the effects of hair loss. It is directly geared to stop AGA. Cloud Nine Regrowth was designed to stop the initial production of DHT thereby putting an end to the hair loss due to DHT. It is a good choice for many individuals because due to the fact that it is all natural it does not cause the side effects that many prescription drugs do. During the blocking of DHT, Cloud Nine Regrowth does not react with testosterone and it helps to stop hair loss without causing the sexual side effects that many men often experience from prescription drugs like Propecia. It works by affecting the hair follicles. It can be used by any man regardless of the amount of hair loss and some men also begin to use it before hair loss begins. With continued use it can lead to the development of thicker and longer hair.
There are several products to choose from but is another product that some may want to consider. Profollica is a little different from other treatments because it is a three part treatment system. There is a shampoo, a gel for individuals to use and a natural nutritional supplement. Each product must be utilized in order to help hair loss. The shampoo was engineered to help stop hair and scalp dryness and it also helps to give hair that beautiful shine. It also helps to stop the clogging of hair follicles in the scalp. The activator gel’s goal is to promote the growth of new and healthy hair. The use of the shampoo and gel when used together are geared to stop or slow down the production of DHT. The nutritional supplements which are in the form of pills are designed to provide the hair with vital vitamins and nutrients as well as act as a type of stimulate to the hair follicles. The hair process is recommended daily.
HGH and Hair Loss ProductsHGH or the human growth hormone is another substance linked to hair loss. HGH is produced naturally by the body and the body produces large amounts as individuals are growing bust as individuals get older the production slows down. This reduction helps to contribute to hair loss and gray hairs. Taking HGH supplements has been linked to the reduction of hair loss and the stimulation of hair growth. HGH has many positive effects on the body so it can be used in conjunction with hair loss products such as Procerin and Profollica. This is especially true for those individuals where baldness is genetic. Scientists have proven that men between the ages of 18-35 experience the best results from hair loss products simply due to the fact that the hair is still considered to be in the growth phase. For men whose hair is considered to no longer be in the growth phase, many hair loss products along with HGH can be beneficial in helping them to retain the hair they have. HGH is a natural supplement that is great for the body so not only will people get the benefit of reducing hair loss but they can also receive various other health benefits such as an increase in energy and a reduction of wrinkles.
Hair loss in men generally makes them look older and many men worry about this especially those who are single. Men balding men also worry about how they look when compared to men with hair and men who still have youthful looking hair tend to get more dates. Balding men can feel less attractive and develop feelings of depression. They also may feel self conscious in large groups or when around other men. Hair loss is not the end of the world but it is important to take action quickly when experiencing hair loss. For those men who are cursed by genetics they may want to begin some type of treatment before their genes can take over. For A list of HGH products you may take a look at this . In Addition to raising your HGH levels you should also consider the proven Profollica Hair Loss system!