This Weight loss forum discusses ways to lose weight and reverse obesity using healthy diets, fitness and natural supplements. Remember we are not liable for the info that is discussed in this forum and always consult with your doctor before taking any weight loss advice from this forum or any other forum for that matter.

Moderator: GrahamM

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By alistair47
#29504 It seems like everyone who has a good body has an obsessive workout routine and diet. Is there any way to be at a healthy weight with a good body without dedicating three hours of your life every day? I don't want to sound like a whiner, but when you work crazy hours to support your family, you don't have the time it takes to get to the gym do a full workout, shower, and get home from the gym everyday, not to mention the effort you have to put into preparing all of the right foods.

I accept that I will never have a "dream" body if i can't dedicate this much time to it, but can i at least have a healthy, lean-looking body without committing like 15hrs+ of my life every week?

By nextbigthing
#29537 Focus on the amount you eat, and balancing the four food groups properly. If you don't have time to go to the gym, make sure you take into account how active you actually are when planning how many calories you can have in a day. You don't have to work out for 3 hours a day, just realize that you will have to eat less than people who do!

And try to make exercise a family thing. Go on bike rides or walks together, or find activities, like swimming or skating that the family can enjoy while everyone is moving! This way you are multi-tasking: getting exercise and family time together!

Try consulting a doctor or dietician for advice on how your unique situation will affect what you should be eating. Once it becomes a habit to eat properly, you'll start to see results!