- Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:24 am
Is hgh the best way for me to get my strength back? I used to be a competitive athlete, but after a few years off, I'm finding it really hard to train the way I used to. I've been keeping at it like I should, but it just doesn't feel the same. Is less hgh the problem? Should I get injections or a supplement off the internet? I've never seen an hgh supplement in the drugstore.
Moderator: GrahamM
- Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:37 pm
Hardcore athletes prefer HGH injections. They are effective, but the problem is that they are very expensive, and can carry the risk of bad side effects if you aren't an expert. Not to mention that in many places they are illegal! So unless you can get a prescription and do a LOT of research, they might not be the best choice. Really good supplements for getting your strength back after training or for putting on a lot of muscle aren't usually found in just a regular pharmacy. Check out a specialty supplement store for the good stuff, or buy online. A lot of online retailers offer crazy deals if you order a bunch at once, because it saves them on shipping.