Green Tea The Cure All Fact Or Fiction? |
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A Complete Guide to
Green Tea
Green tea is a kind of tea that's made only
with Cha Hua (Camellia Sinensis) leaves that has already gone through slight
oxidation in the middle of being processed. This China-based wonder drink has
been linked to quite a lot of other cultures within Asia, which ranges from the
Middle East to Japan. After all, what's not to like about this Chinese import
that has already made its mark in the western world as well? People all around
the globe just love drinking delicious green tea even with the continuing
prevalence of black tea; the reason for that is green tea covers an important
niche market composed of health-conscious individuals and a huge market of
people concerned with oriental tradition. All the same, an assortment of green
tea variants has been invented in the nations where it's grown and manufactured.
Green tea variants are quite diverse, so they can differ
from each other substantially because of variable harvesting time, processing
periods, and growing conditions. Furthermore, green tea has been confirmed to
truly provide numerous benefits thanks to the battery of scientific and medical
tests that's been conducted on it to determine the extent of its life-giving and
health-enhancing attributes.
Scientists have even gotten proof that suggests other green tea abilities, such
as lowered chances for developing certain types of cancer and heart disease. At
any rate, the drink is most renowned for its purported weight loss management
abilities—so much so that even though there's no scientific support for this
claim, it's still being used by many a weight watcher for this purpose.
Green Tea Brewing
In general, about one teaspoon of tea per one hundred fifty
milliliter cup or only two grams of Chua Hua leaves every one hundred
milliliters of water should be used when you're brewing the perfect batch of
enjoyable, delicious, and nourishing green tea. As for premium-grade teas like
Gyokuro, a bigger amount of leaf is utilized and the leaf is steeped a multitude
of times for short periods to boot. To be true, brewing green tea has to follow
a couple of stringent requirements in order to optimize its positive effects on
your body.
For instance, temperature and brewing time for this tea
varies in accordance to individual teas. Water temperature ranges from
eighty-one to eighty-seven degrees Celsius or one hundred eighty to one hundred
ninety degrees Fahrenheit, while the longest steeping times require two to three
minutes of waiting. The coldest brewing temperatures are sixty-one to sixty-nine
degrees Celsius or one hundred forty to one hundred sixty degrees Fahrenheit,
while the shortest steeping time is about thirty seconds. Moreover, the brewing
technique of keeping the teapot or container warm beforehand is also a key
factor in preventing a bitter, overcooked taste in your tea.
Generally speaking, premium-grade teas should be steeped
shorter and cooler, while cheap green teas with low-grade Chua Hua leaves should
be steeped longer and hotter. Green tea drinkers should also watch out for
steeping cheaper teas for too long or in too hot a temperature, because it will
cause their drink to be astringent-tasting. In contrast, premium-grade green
teas can be steeped multiple times for optimum use of the leaves—about two or
three steeping repetitions is standard.
Nutrient Contents
Of Green Tea
The reason why green tea is so effective is because it
contains Polyphenols like Catechins (the most abundant of which is
Epigallocatechin Gallate), which are agents known to significantly improve a
person's overall health and disposition. Observational and clinical studies on
humans as well as studies done in vitro or with animal test subjects imply that
green tea has the ability to decrease the risk for cancer and cardiovascular
disease as well as beneficially influence kidney stones, dental cavities,
cognitive function, and bone density.
Then again, human studies tend to be inconsistent and
mixed, even though they all appear very promising. At any rate, green tea is
still scientifically proven to contain helpful nutrients such as minerals (that
is, zinc, chromium, selenium, or manganese), certain Phytochemical compounds,
ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), Tocopherols, and Carotenoids. Moreover, it's a lot
stronger and more potent an antioxidant when compared to black tea, although the
latter has the former beat when it comes to sporting healthy substances like
Green Tea Studies
and Health Effects
Epidemiological studies have linked the consumption of
green tea with reduced heart disease. More to the point, animal tests have shown
that the popular beverage can decrease cholesterol levels, which in turn helps a
lot in alleviating a person's risk for heart-related conditions. However,
several short, small-scale human trials also demonstrated that tea consumption
alone cannot reduce human cholesterol levels. Then, in 2003, a random medical
study discovered that adding theaflavin from black tea to green tea extract can
significantly decrease cholesterol levels in humans.
The Birmingham University in the United Kingdom also
performed a study revealing that green tea ingestion can make average fat
oxidation rates rise seventeen percent higher compared to that of control
subjects who consumed placebos. Likewise, the contribution that fat oxidation
has to the body's overall energy use was also considerably higher by about the
same percentage after green tea extract intake. The implications of these
results are clear: Green tea extract cannot only improve glucose tolerance and
insulin sensitivity in healthy young men; it can also increase oxidation during
moderately strenuous workouts.
One other scientific experiment sought to discover the
effects of short-term green tea intake on a group of students between the ages
of nineteen to thirty-seven. The volunteers were instructed not to modify their
diet and drink four green tea cups every day for two weeks. This resulted in
reduced diastolic and systolic blood pressure, which affected total body weight,
fat, and cholesterol on all the participants, which confirms that even
short-term consumption of green tea is enough to produce verifiable outcomes.
This study also implies that decreases may become more significant in the obese
or overweight population (a large percentage of which suffers from a high risk
of cardiovascular disease). For those interested in the anti aging effects of
green tea and to get the maximum effects, taking a supplement like
Genf20 Plus
that combines
Acai berry, Resveratrol
and the effects of an
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