Gynecomastia: How to Get Rid of Your Man Boobs

There’s nothing like a nice set of breasts on a woman, but if you are a guy and you find yourself sporting a set of developing breasts that’s just not cool. Yet it seems, more and more men are finding themselves with man boobs and 6% (2011, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons) are turning to surgery to get rid of those boobs or as many are calling them ‘moobs.’pseudogynecomastia

There are two reasons why as a guy you might find yourself with man boobs. The first reason is a medical condition called gynecomastia or male breast enlargement. It can result from a hormonal imbalance in the body where there are increased levels of estrogen and decreased levels of testosterone.

The second reason is Pseudogynecomastia which is caused by fat stored in your chest. If you feel so inclined, you could just have liposuction, however, there are better ways to handle this issue with a solid cardio and muscle building workout.

It seems that how you workout has recently come under scrutiny and the focus is no longer on just cardio. If you build muscles you turn on your metabolism and you will be increase your fat loss and then burn more calories.

There are 4 exercises when done together (back to back) can really have a positive effect on reducing your ‘man boobs.’ That’s because these exercises target the chest along with your glutes and back muscles. These are the areas where the majority of muscle mass is found. These exercises target your biggest muscles and therefore increase your testosterone and metabolism more than other types of exercise.

There are also a number of different workout plans that are designed to focus on the chest wall, which means faster loss of fat from your chest. However, let’s look at the two simple exercises that can significantly decrease your man boobs.

Take a 15 pound pair of dumbbells and carry out each of the exercises as a superset. Begin with the first exercise and carry out as many reps as possible in 30 seconds. Take a 30 second rest and then move on to the second exercise and again do as many reps as possible in 30 seconds. You should carry out theses exercises 3 or 4 times a week. Let’s look at the 4 exercises.

Exercise #1

Dumbbell Row Lying with Neutral Grip Support

Set your incline bench up on a 45-degree angle. Grab your dumbbells and lie with your chest down. Allow your arms to hang straight at your sides with your palms facing towards each other. Bend your elbows, squeeze your shoulder blades and row the dumbbells at your side for 30 seconds, pause for 30 seconds and then repeat.

Exercise #2

Box Squat with a Dumbbell Goblet

Get into the box squat standing 4” to 6” forward. Grab your dumbbell and cup the end using both hands. Hold it in front of your chest vertically with your elbows pointing downward. Make sure your back is arched naturally and then bend your knees and push your hips back so that you are in the squat position. For a minute sit on the bench in this position. Repeat for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds.

Exercise #3

1 ½ Pushup With Dumbbell

Grab your dumbbells and place into each hand while you are in the pushup position holding your arms straight. Make sure your hands are shoulder-width apart, keep your body in straight line with your ankles and head. Now you need to bend your elbows so that you can lower your body down. When your chest touches the floor, pause and then push back up. Pause again and repeat lowering yourself for 30 seconds.

Exercise #4

Dumbbell Skier Swings

Hold your pair of dumbbells next to your sides at arm’s length. Place your feet hip-width apart and make sure your knees are slightly bent. Do not round your lower back and bend at your hips while swinging your arms backward. Now with an explosive nature thrust your hips forward raising your torso until you are upright, using your momentum to swing the weights to chest level. Swing back and forth for the 30 seconds.

These four exercises will help you get rid of your man boobs in no time at all.


One thought on “Gynecomastia: How to Get Rid of Your Man Boobs

  1. I’ve met a number of men who suffer from gynecomastia. It really can be devastating to one’s self to have large breasts like a woman. I’m glad there are ways to make it better — without surgery.

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