There have been numerous clinical tests that have clearly shown that the brain significantly benefits from human growth hormone. When human growth hormone reaches the brain, it can benefit the brain in many ways. But one of the most notable is in the ability of human growth hormone can benefit receptors in different parts of the brain and HGH helps increase brain cell regeneration.
There have been numerous clinical tests that have been able to clearly show the many benefits of human growth hormone on the brain and this is apparent by the massive number of receptors found in various parts of the brain.
For decades scientists believed it was scientifically unachievable for human growth hormone to be infused into the brain because of the blood brain barrier would filter out huge molecules. And since the human growth hormone is a huge molecule, it could not reach the brain.
To prove their hypothesis scientists injected patients with human growth hormone and then a spinal tap of the cerebrospinal fluid done, which runs from the brain. They were able to verify that the HGH did in fact break the blood brain barrier and reach the brain. Science now recognizes that the human growth hormone is able to reach the brain.
Benefits of Human Growth Hormone in the Brain
There have been a number of scientific research projects that proved how organs that have shrivelled with age return to their earlier size of a younger age, after receiving human growth hormone therapy. The brain is no different.
By the age of 90, our brain weighs 10% less than it did when we were 20 years of age, which is the age at which the brain is the largest. Neuroscience experts explain that this reduction is not because of the loss of the 50,000 to 100,000 brain cells a day that happens as we age, but rather it caused because dendritic connections are lost between the cells as we age.The dendritic connections are the branch like connections that occur between our brain cells and they are directly tied to our memory and our memories. Human growth hormone is responsible in part for triggering the growth and regrowth of the peripheral dendrites, glial cells, and other cells.
The evidence was clearly demonstrated when researchers injected human growth hormone into the brains of old rats, while other rats of the same age received no injections. The rats that received the human growth hormone competently swam through a complex maze, while the rats that received no injection were unable to navigate the maze.
The human growth hormone also plays an important role in young animals and newborns by stimulating the production of neurons and glial cells that support these neurons. Tests conclusively show the myelin sheath cells that shield the central nervous system increase when human growth hormone therapy is utilized. This would prove that human growth hormone could protect from multiple sclerosis symptoms.
Research has also shown that the death of brain cells can be significantly reduced even halted when human growth hormone is consistently used. As we age, the cells in the brain begin to degrade, which is caused by oxygen free radicals that are unbalanced molecules that are highly destructive.
Human growth hormone has the ability to help with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Proteases, which are extremely damaging enzymes, are activated by the free radicals that cause the damage to the protein within the brain cells. So damaging are they that they actually kill the cells. Human growth hormone can efficiently eliminate these free radicals from destroying brain cells.
Apoptosis is the programmed cell death that happens as a result of several factors that are built into the cell. However, human growth hormone therapy actually interrupts apoptosis and prevents the death of these cells. Scientists have proven this by causing brain cells to die through the introduction of apoptosis stimulating genes, and then afterward causing the cells to generate protease inhibitors using HGH, which blocked apoptosis from occurring.
Younger Mindset in Those Taking Human Growth Hormone
The research noted another interesting concept when HGH was taken. Not only did human growth hormone therapy stop brain cells from dying and improve memory, it also revealed that those taking HGH had a much younger mindset than other adults of the same age that were not taking human growth hormone. That’s because HGH also raises the level of B-endorphin in the brain while lowering dopamine levels. If you work out, you are familiar with that “high” that you experience after a workout. Well that’s brought about by the increase of B-endorphins in the brain, also known as the brain’s own morphine.
Human Growth Hormone Treatment for Depression
Clinical studies have shown that children deprived of love have hardly any human growth hormone and as a result, they stagnate in development. When these same children receive true love through touch, friendliness, and hugs, they begin to develop. You see, love actually stimulates the production of HGH. As a result, it really shouldn’t be too big a surprise to learn that human growth hormone is as effective at treating depression as anti-depressants. In fact, some patients claim that HGH brought them more relief than Prozac. It’s also why physical activity can help to eliminate depression.
By taking HGH supplements, you can begin to look and feel younger, and it can help to keep your brain sharp, your memories clear, and in a happier state. If you have a severe depletion of HGH, you should see your doctor.
Does anyone know if HGH can help reverse damage caused by years of alcohol abuse. In other words can HGH help alcoholics improve their mental capacity?