Tips and Tricks for Better Health and Fitness

I didn’t start out dedicating my life to fitness and health.  I started out playing catch with my dad in the backyard and shooting hoops with my friends in the driveway.  I was lucky enough to fall into an active lifestyle, choosing activities that I enjoyed and discarding those that I did not.  Now, as a grown man, I can look back on the choices I have made over the years and the work I have done to remain fit and healthy, and I can identify the many pieces of knowledge I have gleaned from my experiences.

  • It’s a lot easier to maintain your health and fitness once you have achieved it than getting there in the first place.
  • You’d be surprised how many people you meet who are actually using hormones for muscle building.
  • You can achieve the upper body strength you desire simply by doing pushups.  They require no equipment, no special gear, and no gym membership.
  • If you are taking health advice from an advertisement, don’t.  The purpose of an advertisement is to sell a product, not to help you reach your fitness goals.
  • Those people who set, meet, and maintain their fitness goals are those who have found fitness activities they enjoy.
  • Fat and meat have never been my enemies.  This is a myth developed by promoters of fad diets and exercise gear.
  • In the long run, your diet will fail; the key to meeting and maintaining fitness, weight, and fitness goals is to make lifestyle changes.
  • Dumbbells that weigh less than 5 pounds will not help you achieve anything; there is no reason to buy them or to use them.
  • When seeking an effective personal trainer, it is more important that you find a trainer who has a successful track record than to find one with a certification.  It is easy to become certified. The true test of a trainer is the results he has helped his clients achieve.
  • Prevention is the most effective cure to what ails you.  The road to recovery is long and sometimes incomplete, while a healthy, fit body can stave off illness to begin with.
  • We are a fatter and sicker nation because of our love affair with high fructose corn syrup.
  • My subscriptions to magazines geared toward fitness, health, and body building never helped me reach my goals.
  • Whether you want to face it or not, diet will account for over 80% of your results.  You can work out every day, and if you do not focus on what you eat and drink, you will not build the muscle or lose the weight you desire.
  • My mom was right; I don’t need sugar . . . at all.
  • There are shelves full of diet books at the library and the book stores, but each book delivers the same message in a different package. 
  • The most effective way for most people to lose weight is to decrease their intake of carbohydrates.
  • Doing pushups, going for a walk or a run, or shooting hoops at the park will do more for you than your gym membership ever will.
  • Fad diets and fad workouts are designed to promote the sale of products, from equipment to apparel to books and magazines.  They are not designed to help you lose weight or reach your goals. 
  • Whole foods have been around for centuries, and they still hold all the nutrition you need.  If you eat only these foods, you won’t need to count calories or diet.
  • Food is so much more effective than supplements.  You will get more miles from a plate of eggs and meat than you ever will from a protein supplement.
  • Don’t be fooled by the size of a person’s muscles; it is not an indicator of their actual strength.
  • If you are looking for a good personal trainer, seek out someone who has not written an ebook and is not marketing a fitness package.  The best trainers have a full docket of clients and are dedicating their time to helping them achieve results.
  • The first substantial loss connected to any diet is really mostly water.
  • I am stronger now that I am lean and fit than I was when I was younger and more muscular.
  • Despite what they tell you on cereal commercials, breakfast isn’t really all that important.
  • I find it very sad to see someone who cannot take part in daily tasks due to an illness that could have been prevented with proper fitness and nutrition.
  • You can stop looking for that one right answer to how to reach your goals.  For each person there is a wide variety of right answers.
  • Apple cider vinegar is very often the answer for what ails you.
  • Don’t waste your time and money on a personal trainer that is not helping you get results.  Your efforts should achieve more than excuses; find a trainer who will help you lose those pounds or build the muscle mass you desire.
  • Balances in water and glycogen can cause my weight to fluctuate by 10 pounds up or down in a given week.
  • The key to achieving results is to break down your goals into simple daily tasks and changes, then sticking to them consistently.
  • If you want to strengthen your core, lift something heavy and hold it over your head.  As you work to stabilize the object so it doesn’t fall on your head, you will be strengthening your core.
  • There has not been a new idea in the area of fitness or wellness in decades.  Our bodies still respond to the same exercises and nutrition.  Any new idea that works is just an old idea wrapped in a new package.
  • Don’t try to make up for a lack of whole foods in your diet by taking a multi-vitamin.  It’s just not the same.
  • The only way to get better at the activities you choose is to do those things again and again.
  • Do not buy into the metabolism myth that you will lose more weight if you eat 6 or more times per day.  Whether you eat 6 times or 2 times per day, what really matters is what you eat.
  • Be patient.  If you lose more than 2 pounds in a given week, it is likely not all fat.
  • Be patient with your workout as well.  If you gain more than 2 pounds in a given week, it is not all muscle.
  • Processed, low fat food is a health disaster.  Fat is not always bad; stick with whole foods and maintain a balanced diet for the best in health and fitness.
  • I find jogging to be a dreaded chore, while I love to run.  Pick the exercise activities that you will look forward to doing.
  • Spot reduction doesn’t exist.  The concept exists simply to sell products.
  • If you are looking for a performance enhancing substance, don’t give your money to the vitamin stores; drink a cup of coffee about a half hour before your workout.

Anti Aging Supplements



5 thoughts on “Tips and Tricks for Better Health and Fitness

  1. It’s all about healthy aging rather than just not aging at all. While we cannot stop the days from rolling over, we can help our body keep up with the times and weather the challenges that comes with hitting the third decade. Studies show that at age 30, HGH production starts to slow down and that is purely bad news as it takes away all the benefits of youth. Each year afterwards, the decline will increase, making the body, mind, and spirit, age uncontrollably. That is, if you aren’t going to move out from your depression. I chose to battle the odds using both the rewards of sticking to healthy habits and finding an amazing array of anti-aging products that will suffice to the loss. I’ve been constantly mistaken to be a 25-year-old at 40 and that should say a lot about the good things that my choices in life brought in.

  2. I wish the guidelines are really that easy to follow… foer someone who have been in and out of a weight loss program, always in the quest for the fountin of youth, I can’t help but feel dismayed about the same negative results I get all the time. Probably, it’s my determination and self-motivation that is lacking. Or is it that my body is not cooperating well enough? No matter what, I’m not losing hope. That is definitely the greatest advice. When you think you have done it all, don’t lose your perseverance. Something will pay up somewhere alongthe way.

  3. Thanks for this myth-busting article. It really helps to know what actually works and what not. Now, I can start taking a break from the treadmill and step the gas on lifting weights! This is definitely not too easy to do but it will be much more valuable to get into.

  4. If you make a conscious effort to keep yourself healthy, you can forget about the declining abilities that old fellows are better associated with. Instead, you will enjoy to be functionally fit to enjoy more of the good life, with whatever years are left.

  5. Getting enough exercise is not just about spending so many times at the gym. You can work yourself out by simply choosing a physically taxing activity into your daily routine. Use the stairs to go up instead of the elevator, bike to your work instead of driving, clean the house yourself instead of leaving all the work toy our househelp. Choosing to go out of the ordinary can actually help save some of your gym spending.

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