Brain Function and Aging

Aging is often considered a dreadful phenomenon. One of the threats that come with aging is the decreasing cognitive ability of the brain over the years. A theory was recently discovered that can possibly build a better functioning brain, even while you age. Based on the scaffolding theory, you can actually strengthen your brain muscles through a process called, what else, but scaffolding. According to this principle, you can use alternative switches when one or some does not function as well. In that way, you will regain the cognitive abilities that you once had when you were younger.

The Aging Brain

brain scanYou may have experienced one way or the other that your usual memory and brain ability diminish over time, especially if you have not seen that person for a while. You may also find yourself going to a place and wondering why you went there in the first place.

It is no wonder that aging brains quite normally forget, miss out something, and just do not function the way they used to.

Although older people usually experience these things, some have the ability to overcome the difficulty by switching on different neural circuits. However, most older people simply do not function as well as they used to do. The youth proves to be more capable of doing that but skill and enough determination can also make it possible for even the aging brain to do so.

Through the years, a debate has intensified between advocates of plasticity against those of neural fallout. The former firmly stands that some neurons in the brain never stop developing, maintaining the overall balance of brain resources in the process. Boy, they were right!

Who Has Better Brain Function: Young or Old

Although decreasing cognitive ability is ‘normal’ with age, experience proves to be a counteracting asset. For one, aging spares the vital function of the brain known as procedural memory. It is the function that helps you remember how to perform daily activities and usual routines like taking a bath, preparing the morning coffee, and even something as trivial as hammering a nail.

That is also true even in intense cognitive challenges presented by playing chess, reading, or typing. Experience can provide a significant advantage against youth in terms of mastery of skills and familiarity of the common solutions to problems.

You will find that some areas of the brain, especially those that are involved in complex language and word processing skills, continue to develop and reach maturity over time. In some profession requiring quick reactions, experience also speaks best on how efficient you will be able to respond to a specific challenge.

Keeping your Brain Healthy

But what if it just does not work you? What if the alternating circuit process does not work well with your brain resources? Well, there are ways and means by which you can keep your mental health in perfect shape.

First, indulge in physical activity. If you think aerobic exercises is only useful to prevent premature cardiovascular disease from developing, think again! Sweating through exercise routines does not only keep your body in perfect shape but also your brain. The areas of the brain that are involved in attention and working memory are being worked up as you go through the routine.

Second, keep a close watch on what you eat. Your diet can significantly increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain as much as the scaffolding theory can. Make sure to take lots of Omega-3 and flavonoid-rich foods because they are surely brain foods that will feed your mind as much as it does your stomach. Lots of fish like salmon, fruits, vegetables, and dark chocolates can influence your cognition, making your brain competent to keep up with the challenges of aging.

Third, get involved in mental activity. The amount of activity that your brain gets into in early adulthood will matter a lot when you are getting old. It has been proven in many studies that keeping your mind active is a great defense against a debilitating disease such as Alzheimer’s.

Finally, the best brain anti aging advice is to maintain a good attitude towards the many mental changes that you may face. That is one secret to a healthy mind all throughout your life. Being able to accept that you are going to experience decreasing brain function as you age will open your eyes to whatever you can do to repair the problem. If you remain oblivious to the fact, you will never find a way to secure that your condition will actually improve.

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3 thoughts on “Brain Function and Aging

  1. This is interesting. But how can we take advantage of this “switching neural circuits” if one isn’t working? Is this something that you can deliberately practice to get better at it? Like thinking of things a different way so that my Dad can finally remember where he put his keys? LOL

  2. Here, I’ll share you some tips that could help keep your mind sharp forever:

    * Don’t stop learning. One of the best ways to keep your mind in top form is to never stop using it. Keep yourself updated with a new knowledge or a new skill.

    * Don’t let the negative impression on aging get into you. Sometimes, merely thinking about your age and how your memory would fail due to it is enough to make your memory worse.

    * Make it a habit to write down lists that will help you remembering what you need to do for the day or what to pick up from the grocery store.

    * Repeat the knowledge that you just heard or read. Repetition is one of the best ways to sharpen one’s memory skill.

    * Eat foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. There is a variety of fish that is packed with the brain-friendly fatty acid. You should choose this variety to help boost your brain power. Salmon, sardines, and tuna are just of the choices available.

    * Pick an exercise routine that you can commit to. Aerobic exercises and cardio workouts are best brain exercises. Simple things like climbing the stairs and brisk walks are also good workouts that will also affect the brain positively.

    * Avoid stress. It is important for your brain function to have a relaxing and rejuvenating sleep all the time. Make sure that your bedroom is conducive for good zzzzs. Also, find ways to manage your stress. Don’t allow yourself to be eaten up by all the pressures of the daily grind of your life.

    There is nothing like a brain that is functioning in tip-top shape, no matter what age you are. As people grow old, decreasing brain function is quite common. However, you can help boost your brain power by living a healthy lifestyle. Stick to good health habits so you enjoy a better quality of life even as you age. Aging should not be dreaded as it is now for most. It must be prepared for so your body will be able to adapt and adjust to the forthcoming changes.

  3. Having a mind of a young person is enviable. But a mind that went through a lot of experience is much better, especially if you are able to keep it young. To keep your brain function at its tip-top shape, make sure that you do everything in your power to delay the onset of aging. You can only do that if you embrace health habits that will keep you young forever.

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