Remove wrinkles with Simple Lifestyle Adjustments!

Too often, people believe that using “natural” or “organic” means to improve their health and appearance refers only to their diet. If they eat organic foods and avoid questionably-processed ones, they will automatically experience amazing results. However, this narrowly diet-focused approach ignores the importance of lifestyle and/or habits. This article, therefore, outlines some natural ways—besides diet changes—you can use to gain and maintain smoother, more youthful-looking skin.

wrinkles on woman faceAmong other things, the chemicals in cigarettes constrict your blood vessels, drastically cutting down blood supply to the skin. Skin is more likely to become dull and dry as a result. Other tobacco products, such as cigars and chew tobacco, ought to be avoided, as well. Alcohol also does the same, which explains why some people wake up with numb, tingling faces after a night of heavy drinking. Though, in a manner of speaking, alcohol is “natural” or “organic,” it can’t be classified as healthful.

Some people may have a harder time avoiding cigarettes and alcohol than others, not only because of their individual dependence/addiction, but because they often socialize with people who expect them to smoke or drink. If you are one of these people, remind yourself that while you may be tempted to stick to unhealthy habits in order to fit in, being considered ‘uncool’ or different by your friends now will result in you standing out in a good way down the line—as the person in your group with the best skin.

Stress is another important lifestyle factor in hastening or delaying the onset of wrinkles. Of course, occasional stress due to unusually trying circumstances is normal, but chronic stress not only shrivels your skin, but makes you more vulnerable to a host of other physical or psychological ailments.

Practices like meditation can be very helpful, but they might be too difficult or inconvenient to learn for some people (or might simply not be to their taste). Fortunately, simple activities like walking or singing can be surprisingly effective de-stressors. Certain aromatherapy oils such as lavender can also have a calming effect when lit in a room or drizzled into a bath.

In addition, adjust your lifestyle to suit your body’s natural rhythms. Regular hours of sleeping and waking, for example, are essential not only for youthful-looking skin but for the regulation of hormones and the maintenance of a healthy nervous system. It is true that, in some parts of the world, nighttime work is becoming more and more common. Call center agents in countries like India and the Philippines, for instance, often work at night and are paid more than employees in other corporate jobs. The lucrative nature of such jobs makes them very popular among job-seekers, but the sad part is that the high pay often comes at the price of health and youthfulness. If you are considering such a job, think again about whether the costs to your body (and not just your looks, either) are really worth the pay. Furthermore, even if you are in a job that has more conventional hours, look at your typical day objectively to see if there are ways in which a better, healthier schedule can be attained.

This last tip might seem a little naughty, but is actually backed up by good scientific research. Namely, sex can help make your skin look younger. The sex act—particularly orgasm—causes a rush of blood to the skin, helping it to become more oxygenated and nourished. Of course, sex can also be a fantastic de-stressor, lessening the emotional tension/irritation that speeds up wrinkling. A romp between the sheets with a special someone can not only bring the two of you closer and make you feel good, but help you look more rejuvenated, as well.

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2 thoughts on “Remove wrinkles with Simple Lifestyle Adjustments!

  1. good advice. not enough to just avoid smoking, though…u need to stop hanging around a crowd that smokes as well, or at least not talk to them when they are smoking. second-hand is just as bad or worse than smoking yourself.

  2. Significant lifestyle change seem to be the number one and most effective solution for all health problems. Let’s face it, our body is capable of so many things. At times, we are the ones damaging those capabilities due to our bad habits. Although some of those abilities may decline as years pass, it would not hurt you uch if you have maintained a well-functioning and well-taken cared of body system.

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