Why People Lose Their Hair

There are many reasons why people lose their hair. Stress, taking certain kinds of medicine, malnutrition, and hormonal disorders are just a few of the myriad of factors that can contribute to hair loss and thinning. Hair shedding is one of the most typical issues people consult dermatologist for (since hair loss is something usually linked to the scalp and hair roots).

Nevertheless, more often than not, there’s no reason to be anxious of this condition. It’s not something you should panic about; the only time you should be concerned about starting a hair loss treatment is when it’s excessive (e.g., you’re losing more than a hundred hairs a day and they’re not being replaced quickly enough).

Factors That Affect Hair Loss

Hair LossThere are many factors that can contribute or aggravate hair loss, chief among them mechanical reasons or things you do to your hair when you brush or style it. The other hair loss factors you should keep in mind include poisoning, poor health, and symptoms of certain diseases.

• Mechanical Damage: Getting a bob cut or putting it in a ponytail is one surefire way of damaging your hair, or at least making it more vulnerable to unraveling, so to speak. These hairstyles tend to press your hair too much, so if you’re starting to lose hairs because of them, then maybe it’s about time you wore your hair differently.

Furthermore, if you wait too long before changing your hairstyle, your hair loss may become permanent because of your disappearing hair follicles. Change your hairstyle early to ensure that your hair will grow back completely to keep your youthful look. The wear and tear of excessively damaging hairdos should never be underestimated by those who have a tendency for hair loss.

• Poisoning: A body that’s been poisoned by mercury, thallium, or arsenic also tends to shed hair thanks to the side effects of these dangerous toxins. In particular, talasemia can produce some unique changes in your hair structure that can only be seen under the powerful lens of a microscope.

Two weeks after toxin ingestion, alopecia development kicks in, and eventually the hair loss will almost be complete around that time. Thankfully, once your body is cleared of the toxins, you should be able to grow back  hair you lost after six to eight weeks. As for body intoxication, an antidote must be applied because worse things can happen to you aside from hair loss (namely, death).

• Contagious Diseases: You can also experience hair loss while suffering from a contagious disease or condition. Excessive hair loss can happen to patients suffering from high body temperature symptoms. Additionally, food deficiency and some toxic factors during sickness can further aggravate hair shedding issue as well. In order to avoid hair loss, patients may be given vitamin and mineral supplements.

Even after your fever is gone, you can develop hair loss symptoms two to four months after recovering. Just remember that your hair will return on its own accord; don’t be alarmed if it doesn’t grow back as soon as you expected it to do so. In particular, hair loss that’s either extensive or focal in character is one of the adverse effects of syphilis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and lupus erythematosus.

• Drugs: Just as certain poisons can cause baldness symptoms, so too does certain types of drugs. For example, hair loss can be triggered by immunosuppressants and cytostatics that are typically used in chronic cancer treatment as well as dermatological illnesses such as pemphigus, systemic collagenosis, and psoriasis. Hair loss is likeliest to appear after the third week of drug administration. Thankfully, the hair should grow back after the patient ceases taking the medicine.

Anti Aging Supplements


One thought on “Why People Lose Their Hair

  1. Hair loss is certainly bad news. Knowing that it can happen to both men and women add burden to its weight. If it is a sad affair for men, think about what kind of upset women would feel to lose their crowning glory? Hair can do a lot to a person’s appearance. Without it, one can say goodbye to looking good. Well, that’s the mentality of most. But you can always look good and feel good about how you look. Being beautiful should start from within. You should feel comfortable with yourself to be confident facing others. If you can’t help hair loss, why would you let yourself live in despair? If there are ways to prevent it, why would you let yourself sulk in a corner without doing anything? Don’t let aging conquer you without giving a good fight. Especially at this time and age where technology rules and that there are a lot of advances in medical arena that could help you treat such problems, it is unforgivable to see someone being let down by the aging signs.

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