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Tips On How To Reach Your Bodybyuilding Goals Without Getting Bored!

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Making A New Year's Resolution!
Here we go again! As the year comes to a close, another year has finally arrived to take its place. Naturally, it's now time to make another stack of resolutions......


How To Stay Motivated To Reach Your Body Building Goals

Saying you want to become a bodybuilder is a start down the path toward excellent physical fitness, but it does not get you any further than the first step. There are a lot of obstacles and potholes awaiting you on that path, and maintaining enough motivation to move past them and keep body building is not always easy. The process of getting in to good physical condition is hard work, and it is truly easier to find reasons not to do it, but in the end, your results will only be as substantial as the work you do to get there. Six Pack Abs

Find What Motivates You

You may have figured out by now that you cannot find motivation in the same things that your friends or mentors do. Every person is different and has a different reason for body building. It may be losing weight, gaining strength, building self confidence, or something else altogether. It is very important that you identify those motivators that give you the drive to continue, or you only be a bodybuilder for a very short time, and you will see no success. At the same time, those around you who have identified their true motivators will flourish in their efforts.

Use Music

When there is something to focus on besides the discomfort, sweat, work, and strain, the entire workout becomes a little easier and goes much faster for any bodybuilder. By using music in whatever genre works best for you, you can set a pace for your workouts and provide yourself with just enough distraction to help you move through the tough parts. While the choice of genre is up to you, upbeat music will help you keep pace better and complete a far more effective workout.

See Yourself Successful

It’s called visualization. From the day you decide to begin body building, you must be able to visualize yourself healthy, lean, and physically fit. If you can visualize it, it becomes a realistic aspiration and is therefore much easier to shoot for. If you are a visual person, try photoshopping your face on the body of a bodybuilder you admire.

Set Small Goals

If you are just beginning in the field of body building, the goal of becoming a toned, muscular bodybuilder may seem so out of reach that you can never get there. However, if you set the goal of being able to lift a certain number of pounds or of reducing your waist size an attainable amount, you will be better able to work toward that goal. When you reach it, you will feel accomplished and be more motivated to work toward the next small goal.

Keep An Eye On Your Role Models

If there is a particular bodybuilder you would like to emulate, read up on him or her. Pay particular attention to how he achieved his level of fitness and what he does now to maintain it. If you cannot find material about him, write him a letter or look online for a blog or a website. You will probably learn that your role model struggled just like you are struggling, and that he had role models that he emulated as well. Remember that if he can get there, so can you.

Are You A Positive Or A Negative?

This is an important question that every bodybuilder must ask himself. Some are motivated because they have an image that wish to achieve. They want to be muscular or they want to be toned. Others are motivated by negative images. They do not want to be fat; they do not way to be soft or sloppy. Neither of these is wrong, and figuring out which one you are will help you use the tools you have to remain motivated to work toward your body building goals.


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