Ammortality The latest Craze In Anti Aging! |
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Ammortality: Living Without Age
Lotions. Creams. Medications. Liposuction, photofacials, makeup. We live in a
world where we are surrounded by anti-aging promises. We were told over and over
again, in different ways and through different media, that we must look like we
are 25 years old forever. And then the landscape changed, and suddenly looking
25 was too old—we were supposed to hang on to the glow of 16 as long as we
Now there is a new trend. The trend of "ammortality," a name coined by
Catherine Mayer,( a writer for Time magazine) does not demand that we keep the
glow of adolescence forever, but encourages us to live without the constraints
of age. Mayer uses many examples of celebrities – those most able to afford to
live however they choose—to demonstrate what she means. Many actors and
musicians are getting married, becoming single, adopting or having children,
partying, or doing a host of other things at ages that completely defy
The trend may be the most obvious with celebrities, who can afford to take
things to extremes. Women who have kept themselves in great health take hormone
supplements and give birth in their 50s, an age that, not so long ago, was
considered impossibly old for such a feat. It is not unusual for women in their
late 40s and 50s to keep their bodies trim, their clothing modern, and to prowl
bars for an adventurous night or a new flame much younger than themselves. A
generation or two ago, women this age would have been matrons who faded into the
background, and most men would not have considered them "fling" material even if
they were attractive.
Although most anti-aging products prior to the ammortality movement were
aimed toward women, the female gender is no longer the only one preoccupied with
retaining that youthful look. Men, concerned with flagging testosterone levels
and lost virility, are increasingly looking towards hormone replacements to keep
taut muscle tone and the strength they had in their younger years. Many people
point to Viagra as a “poster drug” for the male anti-aging movement, but men are
becoming concerned with strength and appearance as well, and not simply sexual
Rather than lament lost youth, many people simply refuse to acknowledge that
there is a "right" time to do or be anything. Although the ageless trend may
have begun with celebrities, it is not unusual for the average mom to be having
her first child in her late 30s or early 40s. Although it used to be normal for
women to get married and begin bearing children after high school, a woman in
her early 20s is now looked upon as fairly young to take on such responsibility.
Other women are having children very early; at 15, 16, or 17 years old. They
spend their youth raising children, (whether in a family unit with the father or
not) and when the children are older, and they are in their early 30s, they take
on the role of "swinging singles" normally adopted by the 20-something set.
There are truly no rules anymore when it comes to family planning.
The word "retirement" is soon to lose all meaning. Retirement used to be a
well-earned rest after a long career. Now, "whiz kids" who made a million
dollars before age 35 retire at 40, and many 60-somethings who had fairly gentle
jobs "retire" to active lifestyles where they backpack around Europe or take up
triathlons. Retirement is no longer a "wilight" phase of life where you rest
your arthritic joints from hard labor; it is rather a goal to save up enough
money to stop working and have as much fun as you can until death finally claims
you. Many people would argue that this represents a much healthier attitude than
the “waiting to die” outlook of past retirees. Today's retirees brag to younger
generations about how much they enjoy their lives and the freedom to do whatever
they please!
Ammortality is as much an attitude as it is a "look." Instead of subscribing
to society's mandates about how we must act at certain ages, we feel free to act
ourselves at all ages. Teenagers sometimes choose to invest in registered
retirement funds rather than blow their afterschool job paychecks on frivolous
nonsense, and many retirees spend each night prowling the local bar scene in
search of an exciting "pickup." We are abolishing rules and changing the game.
This new face of the anti-aging movement is also about strength and health.
We are no longer content to suffer from the discomfort and exhaustion of old
age. Instead, we expect flexible muscles, well lubricated joints, and the
strength and virility of our prime to last well into our "golden years." Science
is getting closer to eliminating the aches and pains that used to be considered
a normal part of aging, and are now considered symptoms of a disease (or
collection of diseases, depending on how you look at it): the disease of aging.
Part of ammortality is being able to run, jump, hike, or swim just as well as
far as you could when you were a young adult. It's being able to run and play
with your grandkids just as easily as you did with your own children. It’s being
able to play competitive sports even if you live in an "adult lifestyle
community" – these stopped being called "retirement homes" when the new
ammortals took over.
We are living in quickly changing times, and we are demanding more and more
from our technology. We may not be able to live forever, but we can take what we
have and make it more productive, and more fun. Society has changed its
attitudes about the abilities of people of all ages, and those attitudes
continue to change and evolve. The more that trailblazing individuals deny and
defy the constraints of age, the easier it becomes for the rest of us to simply
be ourselves—no matter how many candles we have on the cake.
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